Welcome to LiProspect!
Let's start with your first campaign setup.
First setup your timezone and interaction frequence of the campaign.
Click Settings to do so and manage the effecieny of the campaign.
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Define sequence of your campaign as per your requirements with sending Connection Requests, Personalized Messages, Emails and Inmail. Set duration and conditions to retarget your prospects.
Click Sequences to create new template or customize the existing ones.
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Setup new campaign by adding the LinkedIn search URL and select the Sequence you created earlier.
Click Campaign to start your first campaign.
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View the propsects from your campaign and take further actions to manage their profiles.
Click Prospects to explore your campaign-generated profiles.
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It's time to launch your campaign.
How B2B Businesses Can Attract More Clients On LinkedIn?
Almost all B2B businesses would do anything to get the information of potential clients. LinkedIn is one of the most popular social media platforms for B2B businesses to find new clients. However, LinkedIn is not a place where people go just to buy products or services. You need to be creative and provide value in order to make people interested in what you're selling.
Tutorials & Guide

A Complete Automation Guide - must watch
Almost all B2B businesses would do anything to get the information of potential clients. However, LinkedIn is not a place where people go just to buy products or services.